Personal Correspondence: Incoming 31.8.112

TO: Silver Night, Utopian Ideal
FROM: Yaski Taruma; Taruma, Okio, and Vataseri; Korama 3-10 Ishukone Corporation Factory
AT: 09:14 31.8.112

Mr Night,

We have sufficient evidence and support in the proper places to move forward.

As we move to official action on the part of the Corporation, there are concerns that by the time of any proceedings, the principal personnel involved may no longer be available. Unavoidably and involuntarily unavailable.

This sort of complaint actually being brought, with sufficient evidence that it can't be dismissed out of hand would likely trigger such unavailability.

That means that the window for other parties to take direct, alternate action may be closing.

We await your final authorization to proceed.

Yaski Taruma
Taruma, Okio, and Vataseri

Personal Correspondence: Outgoing 27.8.112

TO: Ciarente Roth Fortune's Firefly
FROM: Silver Night Utopian Ideal
AT: 6:19 27.8.112


Of course. I'm on my way.


Personal Correspondence: Outgoing 21.8.112

TO: Ciarente Roth Fortune's Firefly
FROM: Silver Night Utopian Ideal
AT: 22:17 21.8.112


It is good to hear that you've found Amieta and she's with you. If there is anything at all I can do, please let me know. Now that she is with you, any scrutiny attached to my involvement (if needed) should be much less relevant.


Personal Correspondence: Outgoing 16.8.112

TO: Ciarente Roth Fortune's Firefly
FROM: Silver Night Utopian Ideal
AT: 17:32 16.8.112


Dr Sanik and her team are on the way. It's a minor, routine procedure. It will be over before you know it, and everything will be fine.


Personal Correspondence: Outgoing 15.8.112

TO: Ciarente Roth Fortune's Firefly
FROM: Silver Night Utopian Ideal
AT: 21:24 15.8.112


Cami's birthday celebrations went well. She was thrilled with the Griffin, and has been enthusiastically tinkering, with her usual resourcefulness. Under supervision, of course. The galley did its best, but though she approved of the cake, she didn't seem to think it quite met the standard that you set. I tend to agree.

She eagerly anticipates your return. As do others, of course.


Personal Correspondence: Incoming 1.8.112

TO: Silver Night, Utopian Ideal
FROM: Yaski Taruma; Taruma, Okio, and Vataseri; Korama 3-10 Ishukone Corporation Factory
AT: 09:12 1.8.112

Mr Night,

It has come to our attention that an unidentified party is investigating Commander Invelen's past activities and former associates. While we are still working to gather information, it would seem likely that the unidentified party is working on behalf of one or more of the subjects of our own inquiries. We are working to limit the Commander's exposure on this end, of course. Their investigations may extend beyond the scope of what we are able to contain, however. In particular with any current activities, and any incidents outside the borders of the State, our effectiveness will be limited.

While we are confident that the Commander has nothing to hide, and has done nothing that would compromise the integrity of the case, you will find a attached a list of recommended specialist 'information management' firms.

Yaski Taruma
Taruma, Okio, and Vataseri