Journal 3/23/12

Cia and Cami came over for dinner earlier. Dinner was good - Silver's chefs are almost as good as Cia, I think - and I took Cami down to see the fighter bay. I think Silver wanted some private time with Cia.

Cami wanted to see everything of course. She was nearly squished by a munitions trolley, and she wanted to fly one of the fighters. I let her sit in one, and pester poor Maj Tragenne. She seemed to know what everything was, though, and the basics of flying them. Course, she's laser-sharp, shouldn't be surprised she's picked stuff up. Think she caught Tragenne on his back foot, a couple of times, even.

When we got back to the officer's mess, Cia seemed... something. I'm not sure. I need to ask Silver what they talked about.

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